


Resumés are paper maps; we're the GPS

Resumés are paper maps; we're the GPS

Resumés are paper maps; we're the GPS

Stay tuned for our initial release!

Stay tuned for our initial release!

Stay tuned for our initial release!

Introducing RealEngineers

Introducing RealEngineers

Upload Projects, not resumés

We believe your career can't be confined to bullet points. Here, every detail in your project matters

Upload Projects, not Resumés

Your engineering narrative is boundless. Upload as many projects as you desire, from professional achievements to personal hobbies. Each project is a testament to your journey, skills, and innovation. Whether it's a groundbreaking work project or a weekend hobby, your profile becomes a comprehensive portfolio of your career.

AI-Generated Summaries

Our intelligent AI simplifies your story without losing its essence. For each project you upload, our AI crafts a concise summary, making it easier for potential employers to quickly grasp the impact and scope of your work. This feature ensures that your projects are not just seen but understood.








Scalable as you grow

Here, your project details aren't lost through time even if they are lost in memory. Our AI keeps those details alive, aiding your job search years into the future.

Detailed Skills Mapping

Our AI analyzes each project to create a detailed list of skills and their applications. This deep dive into how you've used your skills provides a richer, more accurate picture of your capabilities to potential employers.

Talent Discovery

RealEngineers revolutionizes job matching with advanced semantic and vector search AI. This technology goes beyond keywords, deeply understanding each project's context and intricacies down to each page.

For Engineers

How many vague resumés have you written?

Resumé Creation

Upload your projects and a job description to our site, and we'll instantly create a customized resumé for each project, ensuring it aligns with the job's requirements, provided there's a match in skills and job needs.

Detail-Rich Profiles

The more detailed your project, the better your chances of standing out to recruiters. Plus, our AI crafts a concise summary and skillfully highlights your skills for you.

Lifetime Project Repository

Your detailed project information is stored indefinitely. Rely on this comprehensive repository to continually craft resumés and showcase your evolving skills throughout your career.

For Employers

Nobody understands your hiring requirements better than you. That's why RealEngineers offers a wealth of detailed candidate information paired with sophisticated AI to help you navigate quickly and effectively

Job Description Upload

Our user-friendly interface allows you to quickly input your requirements, setting the stage for a tailored recruitment experience.

Job Lens

Once you upload a job description, our Job Lens feature uses semantic search to customize candidate profiles to match your criteria. It highlights relevant project details and skills from each profile, giving you only the relevant information you need to assess candidate fit.

AI Chatbot

Our AI Chatbot understands your job description and delves into the depths of each candidate's projects. It provides detailed answers, complete with specific page references, for a comprehensive understanding of potential candidates.

Our community is built on principles echoed by some of the greatest minds in history:

  • "Look for people with the right attitude. Skills can be taught. Attitude changes require a brain transplant."
    -Elon Musk

  • "In a world that's changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks."
    - Mark Zuckerberg

  • "It's fine to celebrate success but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure."
    - Bill Gates

  • "Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason why so few engage in it."
    - Henry Ford

  • "You don't learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing, and by falling over."
    - Richard Branson

  • "Look for people with the right attitude. Skills can be taught. Attitude changes require a brain transplant."
    -Elon Musk

  • "In a world that's changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks."
    - Mark Zuckerberg

  • "It's fine to celebrate success but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure."
    - Bill Gates

  • "Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason why so few engage in it."
    - Henry Ford

  • "You don't learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing, and by falling over."
    - Richard Branson


We’ve got the answers

What is RealEngineers?

RealEngineers is an innovative job platform that connects engineering candidates with employers. Unlike traditional job sites, it focuses on detailed project-based profiles instead of resumés, leveraging AI to match skills and experiences with job requirements.

How does RealEngineers differ from traditional job platforms like LinkedIn?

How do I create a profile on RealEngineers?

What type of projects should I upload as a candidate?

How does the AI-powered job matching work?

What is the 'Job Lens' feature and how does it work?

How does the AI chatbot assist employers?

Can I use RealEngineers for free, or are there subscription fees?

How can RealEngineers help if I have no prior work experience?

Can I edit or delete my projects after uploading them?

How can I maximize my chances of getting matched with the right job?

Is RealEngineers suitable for all engineering disciplines?

How frequently is the AI model updated or improved?